Sunday, September 28, 2014

Human resource

Every management should realize that the success or failure of an organisation depends a lot on the people who work with you.How true the saying " no man is an island".We need good people to work with us , people who are loyal , dedicated and above all happy to be working with us.Management should understand that in the final analysis people work for money and job security .Management which can provide this for their staff will be successful . People make mistakes and my staff do make a lot of mistakes and when this happens the right approach must be taken . There should be no shouting and screaming and lots of rebuke. Instead a wise manager will talk to the staff and point out the mistake and the consequences of such mistakes and guide them as to how the assignment should have been done.Management with the right attitude will say " Never mind if you have made a mistake , the important to know why the mistake was made and how to avoid it in future and that it is all part of the learning process.Any organization that does not allow it people to make mistakes cannot go very far as its human resource will be scared to be creative and make decisions. I was pleasantly surprised and pleased when my Warden came to see me this morning .She talked to me last week about wanting to leave as she had a better offer and I did tell her then that if that is the case then she should go and go with my blessing and I certainly would not want to stand in her way if she got a better offer.When she came this morning she said after considering everything she decided to stay on because she agreed with me that in life money is not everything. I did tell her that she should also consider her work environment and whether she gets along well with her colleagues.Apparently she values the things I talked about and hence decided to stay. I am happy with that as wardens are not easy to come by.Take good care of your staff and tthey will reciprocate with loyalty and commitment.

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