Friday, October 30, 2015

Filial piety

To the Chinese being filial is one of the most important traits a person should have.the Chinese have always believed that just as our parents must bear the responsibility of bringing us up so must we the children respect and honor them when they are with us and even when they are gone.Paying respects to your parents irrespective of whether they are around or not is an important Chinese tradition.
If you fail to do that you are being un filial and this comes with a lot of adverse effects. Some believe that  if you are unfilial you will be affected by all sorts of bad feng shui and that the cycle will come back to you ie if you are not filial to your parents so will your children be to you.
There are many ways of being filial,. Amongst them is to respect your parents and listen to them.Of course , loving and honoring them are part and parcel of filial piety.Too often we take parents for granted and too often we think more of ourselves than them .Sad, but true.
We never think of the things our parents do for us when they are around and if they are gone sometimes we even forget.remembering your parents come in the form of having them in your thoughts all the time and manifesting it by paying respects to them in their final resting places.sadly enough though there are people who do not find time to visit their parents graves during All Souls'day or Ching Ming .These are annual affairs designed to allow the off springs to show their respect to their parents and if you cant even spare one day in a year for this purpose then it speaks very little of you as a person.
Young people are so wrapped up in their daily routines that they forget to think of the old people who are with them.I just wonder why on certain days they cannot be a bit early so that the elderly can get on with other chores ? Why must they be so late that by the time the poor old person leaves its already dark  and dont they realize that it is a strain for old people to drive in the dark, more so if there is rain ?This is where a little consideration would go a long way and it is but one of the many ways we can show filial piety.
Today only me and mum do our filial duty by paying our respects annually to our dearly departed and it has always occurred to us that one day when we are gone will our descendants do the same from us.Judging from the trend now , looks like we have reason to be concerned but I have always told mum that once we are gone this does not matter anymore ,just the thought that after all she has done would it be to much to ask to be remembered ?

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