Thursday, October 23, 2014

A matter of pride

I cannot understand why some people keep on doing the same thing , things which displease others and despite being told never make an effort to improve. Pride ? Stubborn ? Inconsiderate ? or just dumb ? The test of the person's caliber is in how he manages his time and himself.Today's culture and practices are a far cry of that of the olden days>Dinner for example was a family affair and everybody has to be at the dining table when the family head sits down.Of course in today's lifestyle it may be difficult but maybe a bit of management and effort could make this happen.If its inevitable that you be late then you should realize that you are late and finish your food as quickly as possible.You should realize that the dishes need washing and cleaning and is it fair that you keep the home maker busy till late night ? This is where the consideration factor comes in and thinking more of others than yourself goes a long way. We should every now and then take a step back and take a good hard look at ourselves .What sort of a person am I ? Do I get into everybody's hair and if I do can I improve ?What are my strengths and weaknesses ? It is through this continuous self evaluation that we can improve. No one is perfect but there is a difference between the one who constantly strives for improvement and the dead wood who is oblivious to anything and makes no effort to improve at all.For example when I am driving and somebody tells me to slow down I would react and do so because of the simple fact that we are sensitive to others.Pride can make me ignore such advice, Inconsideration and the " cant be bothered attitude can also be reasons but the most annoying one is STUPIDITY which forms a mental block between what you should do and what you actually do > Too often we are so wrapped up in a certain habit that we simply refuse to make an effort to improve .If I am wasting time doing something and if I am being told about it the thing should at least be considered and if reasonably and effort should be made to improve.There are people who keep doing the same unacceptable thing year in and year out and you cant expect people like this to go far in life as they would never change .How can we define those people who would never make an effort to change even a little of their bad habits ? I have seen them being told off, their weakness pointed out and yet there is no change >How can be define such people ? As teachers we had come across students whom many gave up at hopeless but with encouragement, and care they showed improvement and were able to lift up their heads .It beats me how come there are people who do not seem to have the capacity to improve or just dont want to put in any effort to do so but as the saying goes " It takes all kinds of people ", the question is what kind of people do you want to be known as ? ...the go getter or the deadwood ?

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