Monday, June 9, 2014

When the going gets tough....

We all go through certain phases in life which can be described as " tough " and it is a measure of the caliber of the person as to how he handles the tough times.If I can recall I went through many tough times in my life span and somehow I managed to cope with them and came out , I would think, a better and stronger person. Staring life with no resources or financial backing was not easy .I remember when I first started work my financial obligations were heavy as I not only had to support myself , but also my mum and dad.So every month what I earned was just enough to last till the next salary day which was always eagerly awaited.There was nothing for the proverbial " rainy day " and it was like living for the next month.Tough times indeed but I survived. Came the time for family building and I found I had nothing to offer to the lady of my choice .Fortunately she was not the mercenary type and saw me for what I was and not the money which I did not have in my pockets. With nothing more than the feeling which we had for each other we took the bold step to embark on life's difficult journey together.Not an easy decision to make .Throughout the journey it was our respect and love for each other which made the journey less difficult. The wife played the role of the homemaker to perfection.She believed that a man should come home to a home and not just the empty shell of a house.There was always warmth , love and understanding in our home.Even when we faced tough times , like bringing up the kids , making ends meet , she never showed temper or grumpiness. That is the hallmark of a special person.I cant stand those people who take it out on others whenever confronted with a problem.Therein lies the difference between quality and the mediocre . A man works hard the whole day to make a living so that he can provide for the family, whilst the woman plays the role of the home maker.No man would want to come home to a house filled with complains, grumpiness and long faces.Albeit the woman has it tough but is there a need to permeate the whole house with her moodiness and grumpiness and tantrums.? The tough will be able to cope with all this without losing her sense of direction and priority in the process. Times are never easy and coping with work and home is never easy and it take s really tough people to be able to handle this.My wife is such a person !

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