Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The best time

I was watching this soap opera for some time ( It has ended ) and was wondering how the episodes shown relate to the title.It was about corporate culture, intrigues and a four person cross romance.It was only towards the end when the girl's father was lying on the hospital bed dying, that the meaning unfolded.She showed him an album taken of the family when they were young and the various things which they went through and then looking at the pictures the fathered uttered " This was the best time ".It was only then that I realized why the " best time " and set me thinking too " what is our best time ?". A man goes through a cycle, birth, childhood , adulthood , parenthood and looking at my own cycle I cant help but ponder as to where my best time was. Childhood was kampong style as we stayed in the little town of Tapah and childhood was swimming in the river ( often getting caned for it as my mum always warned us of the danger )shooting birds and eating them , using our hands and legs only for whatever activities.This was the carefree times ,our needs were simple and there were no lofty thoughts. Came adulthood and with it the struggles to cope with finance, job and family responsibilities.Life was a big struggle then as half of what I earned went to my parents as it was considered mandatory for children to support parents.With half a salary it meant prudence and cost saving. Adulthood was the time of courting and going out with the right girl and once that happens you are expected to get married.I can say that mum and I started life with each other without anything except love for each other and confidence and hope in the future.I remember I had no savings , and not even a bicycle to my name.Despite this we decided to face life together and embark upon life's journey as a couple.Mum was brave and I believe maybe she saw that there was some future with me.Today our journey has lasted nearly 47 years and it has been an exciting and meaningful one .The journey saw us bring to the world 4 daughters and 3 grandchildren.The first part of our journey is completed and now I believe comes the " best time ". We have no more worries at the moment, health wise and security wise.It is a joy to see the grandchildren growing up and noticing that there are already certain traits which may influence their later lives.This is the best part of being grand parents except perhaps for the fact that mum has to make a lot of sacrifices especially of her time.She does this willingly and nothing makes her happier than to be able to help in looking after the grandchildren and keeping the house in order. We have learned to co exist and behave like old people should .We have learned to set aside petty grievances and always think of the welfare of the children.Mum is still very active and loves travelling which is not my forte.I allow her to go where she wants and I do my things.We have the peace of mind which comes with understanding and tolerance. To us , to be free of all the human challenges and stress is something precious.We need only to ensure that we are in good health and be able to see the grandchildren grow up.In the process , to be able to help out in the family and not get into anybody's way is important.To be independent and to be yet able to enjoy life I believe this is "the best time "of our lives.

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