Sunday, November 24, 2013

My grandson grows up

This morning Aaron had his first school adventure...travelling to school in a private car for the first time.He had always been driven about by his parents or grand parents and I just wonder what goes on in that little head of his when he climbed into a " stranger's car " for the first time.Was he scared ? worried ? or just excited ?.Hard to say but I should try to probe his little mind when he is in a talkative mood.But it was quite obvious that the thought of it was not so attractive to him as he threw some tantrums early in the morning when he had to get ready for school. Kids today are not as fortunate as us though they have the benefits of more things to eat , play and go out.We did not have much of these but we had one thing which they do not have ....freedom.We had time after school to frolic and do ours things. Today I look at my grandson and he has to wake up early , get ready for school, off to day care after school and can only be free after 6pm.Poor kid ! No wonder the thought of the long day puts him off.I would too, if I were in his shoes. He has been pampered all along and always had someone close to him by his side and he grew up in a safe and comfortable environment.Now he is off to unknown waters and its quite natural that he is put off.If we look at it carefully , unless he can fit into the new environment school is going to be hell for him.I can imagine him in a school of a few hundred students , trying to feel his way around.Can he cope? will the school provide him with the kind of care and security which he has been so used to ? hopefully , then school will be an exciting experience for him. I cannot help but feel concerned as to what my grandson is getting into.

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