Friday, September 13, 2013

Sharing some of Lee Kuan Yew's thoughts

He is 89 years old and like old old people facing their twilight years has put on paper some of his more pertinent thoughts : 1.On his wife.He does not believe that they will ever meet in the after life and that she is gone, she is gone.He has good memories of the times spent with her , how she stood by him during his difficult times and the words of encouragement which she had for him.To him the bond between a couple who have been through thick and thin can never be erased through time. It means to me that while we are together we must learn to value and treasure this as one day one of us will no longer be here . As you grow old you must never forget the happy and sad times you had together.Can we be like we were before during our courting days ?Today as we age do we look at each other like we did before? If not why not ?Relive the olden days and you will find life more meaningful and as we look at each other try to remember what we were like before. 2.On food .We have denied ourselves certain foods which we like for health reasons.Is it time to let go ? Can we now indulge in the things that we love to eat but have refrained from because of health reasons? LKY believes and I agree that we should let go and enjoy ( within moderation ) the things we love to eat.I call myself a " kampong man" as we were brought up on the simple foods as becoming of simple people.I remember when young one of the simple foods we love was breaking a freshly laid egg on hot rice and mixing it well with black soya sauce and pieces of fried crispy lard and eating it with a piece of green chilly .It was as good a meal as you will ever find and really enjoyable. Ice cream , ABC with an ice cream scoop on top are things which I have been refraining from ...hmmm maybe I should have a splurge now and then. 3.Sickness.If you fall sick at this age dont waste your money trying to get well and just let nature take its course>He does not want a fancy funeral service as it is a strain on the family.A simple cremation and his ashes should be kept next to that of his wife.Though he does not believe that they would be together in the after life for the sake of convenience he wants their ashes to be kept in urns in the same place. 4. A time for regrets ? Who has no regrets in life ? I have mine too but they are relatively little ones as compared with his.What are the things we should do but not done ? Certainly food for thought for those who are young and have still time to change their destiny and do what they want to do.

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