Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Health is wealth

You never realize how important health is until you fall sick.Too often we see people neglecting their personal well being through bad personal habits:
1.Over eating.They eat until they are really full irrespective of what they eat.
2.Overindulgence in certain types of food.I love sweet stuff but because of my high sugar level stay away from them)
3.Unhealthy lifestyle.All work and no play..late nights and late mornings.Many dont realize how much can be done productively when you wake up early.Sleeping until 12 or 1 wastes so much precious time which can otherwise be spent doing so many things .The time spent sleeping can be used to self develop,pursue hobbies,catch up on your reading etc.
4.Eating late at night.The culture of yam cha amongst many young people is so unhealthy and leads to body abuse.After 10 at night all the vital organs need rest to recover in order to function well the next day and if they are stretched sooner or later they break down.Sitting and probably smoking than you normally would weakens the body ultimately.
5.Exercise.Why is exercise so difficult? Ever one knows the value of exercise yet how many do it? Why is it so difficult just to spend a few minutes everyday just to get a bit of exercise?
6.Water.So basic yet many people forget to drink enough of this life giving fluid.They prefer to drink alcoholic drinks or carbonated drinks which we know is not good for health.
7.Supplements.I have been on multi vites,vitamin c and e for as long as I can remember and can vouch for them .Its just a simple matter of popping a few pills every morning.Make it a habit and you are not likely to forget to take your pills.
A healthy body will let you enjoy a better lifestyle.We all know what it needs to keep healthy yet many of us do not follow.Today there is so much literature on health.Know it and be aware that good health is not a God given gift.Its something which you must cultivate through a lifestyle of discipline and following what has been proven formulas for good health.
Do this and you will find that you may be free of a situation where your body needs to be cut open and you have to go through a painful process of going through an operation where they have to cut open your body and fix the problem.If you dont think of yourself think of those who will have to suffer with you when you fall sick."Health is wealth"..dont lose it!!

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