Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Common courtesies

People tend to take so many things for granted that they forget the little courtesies in life,one of which is make others wait for you is downright rude and ill mannered.We teachers have always lived by punctuality because we are the ones who are entrusted to teach values to our students and as teachers to be late for class is unforgivable because you keep the whole class of more than 40 students waiting for you and if you are late you cant possibly complete your day's lesson in time.
Being late for your appointments simply means you cant be bothered by the fact that you keep someone waiting and it also shows that you have no sense of responsibility and definitely uncaring .
Asking for permission or someone's approval before you do something is also something many people forget and it irks the other party for sure.Why is it so difficult to do such little things?
We claim to be high tech modern people but if we forget the basics of life what are we becoming?There is a lot to be said for the old days when children were taught good manners, politeness and to be caring towards others.What is happening now?


  1. yar, think all 4 of us got that from u's a pity that people do not value punctuality as a courtesy :(

  2. so true, it's terrible when ppl say that they're just following 'asian time'.. great, just another box to put us all in. everyone shd be punctual like the TOHs!:D
