Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grandma's wish !

Yesterday as we were travelling in the car to buy some home stuff mum said "You know I have made a deal with God " .I replied " Huh ?'What kind of pact did you get yourself into ? And she said " I made a very simple request and that is to ask God to allow me to bring up my grandchildren and see them grow up ! As usual she will not ask anything for herself .Her whole life is devoted to the family and we know how much effort she makes to create ,(yes create because these things do not come about automatically) a happy family.To her there is nothing she would not do for her children ,sil, and grandchildren .As long as they are in good health, comfortable and come home she is happy.The household chores are many and varied, cooking, cleaning,washing and ironing clothes , marketing, planning the daily menu.These are chores which no normal person would want to do but she does it without a complain and asks for nothing in return.She always says " As long as I can do anything to make their lives less difficult , I do not mind the hard work."I must say this kind of selflessness is difficult to come by and I must say in her own way she is special, really special. Her indomitable spirit and acceptance of the challenges which come with home building are really amazing. I, more than anyone know how she feels about things and everybody in the family.What irks her most is stubborn people and those who do not listen to good advice.Sometimes she says its good to be appreciated but if that is not coming she would still carry on doing what she is doing.Many a family crisis has been made lighter because of her being there. The children and grandchildren know that she will always be there for them when they need her .

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