Friday, April 20, 2012

Life as we grow older

My golfing friends are always proud to introduce me to strangers at the tee box. "Our uncle is in the 7os and still playing with us ".Makes me ponder sometimes when I hear this and realize that hey " I'm a super senior guy" and am still able to do what the younger ones are doing.With this comes the awareness too that I'm indeed very lucky to have come this far in life and be thankful that I have grey hair which my friend say some never live to have. As you grow older you realize that you are given the time and opportunity to do the things which you never had the time to do when you were younger.I see some of the young people live and work nowadays and cannot help but sympathise with them because they miss out on the joys of life and by the time they grow old they may never have had the time to enjoy it.Rushing over meals,thinking of how to make more money ,pondering over work and business strategies all has its price.You lose up on time which can enable you to live a more balanced life.God is reasonable.He gave us Sunday which is for us to relax and spend time doing the things we love to do other than work."No work or work related activities on Sunday" should be a simple maxim for everyone to follow.Time gone cannot ever be recovered. I watch my grandson growing up and this is a joy which should be enjoyed by the parents.At least one day in the week should be devoted to the child and herein lies the bond which will take them through life.Children grow up fast.Its in the infancy and formative years that they need their parents .Once they come to their teens their need for parents is less and by the time they go to college or start working the need is even less as they become more independent.That's why the communication gap come s about. Life is about choices and its up to you to choose how you want to live it. Coming to this age I try to reflect on how I managed to survive till now and come to the conclusion that its important to have a balance in everything you do.From eating to a discipline of no over indulgence life becomes more organized .I have always believed in three meals a day and never over eating even when i come across food which I particularly like and making sure there is a balance between rest ,work and play.Exercise and the right food balance are essential.Supplements like vitamins E,C and multivites have been part of my intake for as long as I can remember. Of course there is no denying the effects of ageing.Memory becomes poor, fatigue sets in more easily,body aches are more and sleep becomes more difficult especially in new surroundings.But on top of all this a positive outlook helps.Gratitude that you have come this far,relatively healthy ( Compared with others who have all kinds of sickness)and the ability to do all things albeit a little less efficient keeps you in positive mode and this helps. What the remaining years bring and what will happen nobody can say.Now live life to the full and do what you have always wanted to do is the maxim.I only hope that in my twilight years I will not be a burden to my children and if possible spare them the pain of seeing us suffer in our remaining journey through life !

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