Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine Day

Its interesting to trace the love path of a couple..When they first meet she is the dream girl,the sugar honey,the precious one etc etc.At the beginning of the relationship ,flowers ,jewels,dinners ,movies are all part and parcel of the relationship.They say that it is at this period of time that the best of either side is seen.Very true..this is the period of time when you would do your best to convince the other that you are the best choice . Birthdays and special days like Valentine Day,Xmas Eve were never forgotten and the lady could always be assured of a special dinner and gifts sometimes expensive and unique.The other half was always treated as special and the guy would go all out to please her.If she wanted to go somewhere he would happily volunteer rain or shine.This was the period when the flame of love was at its brightest and I'm sure many a lady would think back to this period with great nostalgia and good memories. With marriage and the emergence of the family sadly enough such things are forgotten.I had a wake up call this year on Valentine Day when mum said "Valentine Day is not just for the new couples.As we grow older we would like to be treated as we were when we were young.TO a woman as we grow older it means a lot to know that we are still loved and treasured" How true ! Sometimes we forget and neglect to take the trouble to make that little effort to show the other half that we still care and love them despite having grown older.Age should cement further the relationship and it must always be considered as something precious.Many guys tend to take their spouses for granted and once married everything that was done before seems to be forgotten.We have to realize that as a lady grows older she needs more assurances and for the sake of her pride and self esteem it would be nice for us to tell them in so many ways that they are still loved and appreciated as much if not more than before. Little gestures are never difficult to carry out >Its a matter of whether you care enough or not or have we forgotten? Did we forget before?Do we forget that we met our other halves they were sweet young things and that they looked real beautiful?Are they no longer attractive to us?Today we see them older but I guess no less prettier,some say that as women age there is a different kind of beauty which you have to learn to see and appreciate.That being the case should they not be treated as we treated them before.As a person ages the psychological needs are even greater and we the spouses must see to that. Thank you Valentine Day for the reminder !!

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