Sunday, July 24, 2011

Old Boys

Saturday 23rd July was the annual get together of the St.Anthony's Old Boys and we went to show our support.As teachers it made us feel good to see our boys and girls grown up and many of them are today holding important positions in society.What made us feel even better is the fact that they are still loyal to the Alma Mater and many of them talked about their fun filled school days and I was touched when a few of them came up to me and said 'Do you remember you caned me? And do you know because of that I'm here today, a better person.Thank you Sir"
We have always taught our students and our own children to hold on to values,to be all rounded individuals ,good in their chosen fields and yet possessing some of the intrinsic values of life.As teachers and parents nothing makes us happier than to see them growing up with this.Its not easy to accept values if you do not have them at the outset.Children who grow up in homes where there is sharing ,caring, happiness and family unity tend to carry this on to their adult life but children who grow up in homes where there is no family unity and values become difficult and shallow people in their later lives.
Our children and students have always been taught to be caring,humble,aim for excellence and never forget their roots.One of my students came up and said" Sir,I will always remember you because you paid for my exam. fees>If not for that I would not have made it in life" I did not remember that because it was just a small gesture but I did not realize it made such a difference in somebody's life.
It's amazing how such little acts of helping comes back to you after so many years and surely its one of life's satisfaction which money cannot buy so all money god worshipers please note there are so many more things in life than just dollars and cents!

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad the teachers these days did not uphold the integrity of teachers like u n mom....
